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  • 防水タイプパウチカバーシール無料サンプル申込
  • 新商品パウチカバーシール無料サンプル申込
  • 新商品サポートベルト無料サンプル申込
  • 発想力×専門力「暮らしの安心」をサポートいたします
  • YOUTUBEピースケア公式チャンネル


  • ピースケア商品
  • ホリスター
  • ダンサック
  • コロプラスト
  • アルケア
  • コンバテック
  • イーキン



  • ピースケア製品カタログ
  • サンプルのご請求はこちら
  • 給付券見積依頼はこちら
  • 返品・交換について
  • 仕入れご希望の業者様
  • Paid支払い
  • アマゾンペイ使えます
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International Shipping


1. When you access the website from overseas, the “WorldShopping Cart” will be displayed automatically.

2. Add your favorite items to the WorldShopping cart.

Click “Add to Cart” of the WorldShoppinng banner to proceed to buy your favorite items.
The cart will only appear for items that can be purchased from your country.
Explore WorldShopping Guide for More details.


WorldShopping will charge 10% service on the “Total Product Price”*.
Once we deliver the product to WorldShopping, you will receive another payment request from WorldShopping containing International Shipping Fee, Handling Fee and Other Fees (If any).
See WorldShopping Fees for details.
*Total Product Price=(Product Price + Domestic Shipping Fee in Japan).


About Overseas Delivery

You can request "Worldshopping'' to buy itmes on behalf of you and to have them shipped. WorldShopping purchases Japanese products on your behalf and delivers them around the world.
→Explore How WorldShopping Purchases and Delivers As Your Agent to know more.

Questions and Concerns

As WorldShopping buys a product on behalf of the customer, we can not accept any changes in the order such as (order cancellation, returns) once an order has been placed with WorldShopping. We request your understanding of the issue and please confirm all the product details before placing the order. For more details,
see here: https://www.worldshopping.global/en/help/faq/

<About inquiries>

Basically, inquiries to our shop will be handled in Japanese only.
Please understand that we cannot respond to inquiries in other languages.
You can contact WorldShopping from the following links.
• WorldShopping Contact English
• WorldShopping Contact (Simplified Chinese)
• WorldShopping Contact (Traditional Chinese)